The first lesson this morning is from the prophet Isaiah. It’s a long book of 66 chapters whose content covers more than a generation of history and material. Biblical scholars have identified four different writing styles, and, given the time span of information covered, have concluded that the book must be the work of four authors whose works have been compiled into one book.
This is not an unusual practice. The authors, using the primary Isaiah as their inspiration, see their works as a continuation of his. In other words, their writing conveys what they believe Isaiah would have said if he was in their situation. The book of Isaiah is the largest of the books called “Major Prophets” in the Old Testament and was written in the years leading up to the sacking of Jerusalem, the beginning of the Babylonian Exile and well into the sixty year period.
In both Jewish and Christian traditions, the Book of Isaiah serves as part of the foundation for the hope and expectation of the Messiah. In our Christian tradition, we hear lessons from Isaiah particularly during the Seasons of Advent and Lent. Both these seasons highlight the aspects of expectation of God’s action in the world. Advent highlights the expectation of the coming of the Messiah into the world, and Lent highlights the expectation of the resurrection.
In the season of Advent we read a passage from Isaiah that is very famous. Here it is: “A voice cries out: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” It’s a directive to the people of Israel to get ready, to clean house, to prepare for God’s arrival. Prepare personally and prepare as a society. But prepare. That directive is in the 40th Chapter of Isaiah.
Our lesson this morning is from the 43rd Chapter of Isaiah. Listen again and see how these lines compare with those from just a few chapters earlier. “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert....” I will make a way in the wilderness.
The message that comes through time and again in the Bible is that when we are unable to make a way to God, God will make a way to us. Similar to last week’s story of the Prodigal son, the son makes an effort, but the Father rushes out to embrace him and welcomes him in a much larger way than the son could eve have imagined.
Isaiah makes this theme within the context of a few chapters. It’s good for us to work on the way to God, on preparing and making it clear; but in the end, it is God who makes the way to us. Jesus refers to himself in the Gospels as The Way, the Life and the Truth. In Jesus, God makes a way to us. We know God better because of, and through, Jesus.
Since we’re observing Women’s history month, I’ll use an example from the history of women in the Episcopal Church. Comedian Robin Williams, who is an Episcopalian, drew up a top ten list of reasons to be an Episcopalian. I’m just going to give you one, you can google the rest. Number eight on the list is this: Male and female God created them; male and female we ordain them.
But it wasn’t always that way. Women weren’t allowed to be Vestry members until the 1950’s. The subject of women priests (and no one even breathed about women bishops), came up strong in the 1970’s culminating in the “illegal” ordination of the notorious Philadelphia Eleven in 1976 by “renegade, activist Bishops”. These eleven women were ordained outside the parameters of General Convention and it formed a delicious controversy for many years, some echoes of which still linger. But it also served to break the impasse in the debate and paved the way for General Convention to legislate the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church. Many priests and parishes threatened to leave, some did, and the world continued to turn. But justice was served. In one sense quickly, given the progress from vestry to priesthood in 20 years. But in a larger sense much too slowly, since the whole gender issue of equality was absurdly late in being raised.
The Episcopal Church struggled to make a way in the wilderness and made some noble efforts. But in looking back historically and spiritually, it definitely looks like the Spirit of God moving those who wanted to do what was right and guided the Church into the way of justice. It’s a slow process still, since some dioceses in this country still refuse to ordain women, but even their numbers are dwindling. Globally, the rights of women are shockingly absent and this includes among the Anglican churches for whom women priests are a long way off. But inevitably justice will happen, people will try to make a way into it, and God will do the rest. Love and Justice are of God, and God will not be blocked.
In the Gospel lesson, Jesus is at the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. They were clearly good friends since this is the third story that includes them. It also takes place the week before Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem and his crucifixion. There is an ominous tone to this story about the use of expensive oil. Judas takes the posture that it’s a wasteful luxury. The wider context is that Jesus is being prepared for death and burial, although most don’t realize this.
Mary is the member of the family who seems most spiritually attuned. Her actions demonstrate faith, sacrifice and humility. Presumably she bought the ointment in the first place. And in the previous story regarding this family, Jesus raised the brother Lazarus from the dead. So it’s likely that in gratitude, no expense was too much to show appreciation. And Mary acted out of instinct and love. She was making a way to Jesus, even though she may not have realized the full import of those actions. And later that week, God would be making the ultimate way to humanity through his actions.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul gives a lesson in humility. He lists his very impressive resume for the church in Philippi. He was born in the right family, attended the best schools, held high positions in the synagogue and society -implying that it was higher than theirs - and clearly told them that all that means nothing at the end of the day. He says, “I regard all that as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him...”
We can let ourselves get in the way that we try to prepare for God. Our own resumes or backgrounds or accomplishments can be very beneficial in terms of the service that we offer. Like Mary, offer to God our best. But those same aspects of ourselves can get in our way if we treat them as measuring sticks as to why we are better than others or deserve more. That can also work in reverse. Because of disadvantages, setbacks or past hurts, we may feel deserving of better. That also might get in our way. Anything that blocks us from working in God’s service to bring mercy and justice to God’s people works against us.
It’s the humility demonstrated by Mary and Paul in our lessons today that begin the way to God. God’s love comes to us regardless of the resume. Each of them defied the expectations and stations of their worlds to get to know Jesus better. They knew that their worth and esteem was rooted in God’s love more than anything else.
Jesus says something at the end of the lesson that has often been misused. He says, “You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” This line has often been misused throughout history to justify callous behavior toward the cash and materially poor. But given the way the Gospels use words, the “poor” Jesus may be referring to, might very well be those who are poor in spirit, those who don’t know how to put aside the resume. That is, those who let them get in their way to God or God’s service.
Paul certainly used his credentials when it served his purpose. He claimed his Roman citizenship quite boldly and prominently when it was able to further his mission. He didn’t count it as rubbish then. But only when he used it as a measuring stick of his worth.
Regardless of our credentials, resumes and holdings, our value and worth before God is in our humanity alone. Accepting that calls out the humility in us and begins to prepare the way of God. Even as we start on the way, we come to see clearer as time goes on that God has already cleared the way for us. “I am about to do something new, “ Isaiah tells us God says, “Do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Whether out in the world or deep within us, those place that are tangled or parched have hope. Amen.
©2010 St. George's Episcopal Church, Maplewood, NJ